The internship topic was Immersive and Localized Data Visualization in Augmented Reality and contributed to the ARTUISIS project, Augmented Reality and Tangible User Interface to Supervise and Interact with Robot Swarms. The goal was to create an Augmented Reality application to visualize localized data from a swarm of robots in order to understand and apprehend their behavior. Based on a review of existing techniques for localized data representation in Augmented Reality, The first step was to set up the communication between the AR headset and the gateway (a software program that allows all components of the environment to communicate) before calibrating the virtual environment in which some visualizations would be instantiated. Then, some simple data visualizations were implemented, such as the robots' direction vector and the swarm's convex envelope. This application can be used in a simulated environment or in a motion capture system with real robots. Implementing more relevant visualizations, such as observing the force that dominates a robot's behavior, and conducting a user study to determine their relevance are future tasks.
Le sujet du stage était la mise en place d'un environnement pour la réalisation d'expériences sur des algorithmes comportementaux sur un essaim de robots avec l'utilisation d'un système de tracking pour suivre le mouvement des robots. Un état de l'art de différentes méthodes de tracking a été également réalisé.
Participation to Science en Theizh 2022, which is a popular science event aimed at the general public and undergraduate and postgraduate students.