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Semester 9

Interaction with VR and AR Environments (IEVA)


Anne-Gwenn Bosser (In charge, ENIB), Maxim Spur, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Olivier Augereau, Pierre De Loor, Eric Maisel

Number of hours and ECTS

48h CM-TP. 4 ECTS.


The course concerns models, methods and tools for the synthesis of interactive virtual environments. It begins with an introduction to virtual environment development with Unity coupled with a more lectured course in game studies. This is followed by independent and research-informed course sections on content creation for virtual environments, including adaptive content: animated conversational agents, procedural generation techniques, user modelling and adaptation to user profiles and behaviour.


3D Ludology

  • Introduction to game design (elements of ludology, interactive narration, notion of playability and engagement factors, game mechanics)
  • Unity 3D project

Procedural content generation

  • Generation techniques: based on AI, combinatorics. Content curation.
  • Illustration for specific areas (objects, game levels, quests, text and dialogue, music...)

Autonomous interactive entities, such as characters (virtual humans) Adaptive interactive environments

  • From adaptation to co-construction
  • Serendipity, autonomy
  • Embodiment of information
  • User profile identification
  • Domain model

Affective modelling: physiological and behavioural measures

  • Affect detection, biofeedback, subjective evaluation
  • CM eye movement analysis
  • Introduction to physiological signals (EDA, BVP, EMG, EOG, ECG...)
  • Practical work: webgazer, tobii, empatica

Link toward the numerical space (Moodle) of the module

Virtual and Augmented Reality (RVRA)


Cédric Fleury and Etienne Peillard (In charge, IMT-A), Thierry Duval

Number of hours and ECTS

48h CM-TP. 4 ECTS.


This course aims to give the basics of the creation and use (especially collaborative) of Virtual and Augmented Reality environments. It also focuses on the problems that can be encountered in AR and the solutions proposed.


Addressing the basic principles of Virtual and Augmented Environments

  • VR-AR technologies
  • 3D Modelling / Blender and 3D Rendering / Shader

Introduction to the principles of interaction in Virtual and Augmented Environments

  • 3D Interaction
  • 3D Navigation
  • Human factors (Immersion, Perception, Cybersickness, ...)

Overview of Augmented Reality techniques

  • Optical see through
  • Video see through
  • Projective

Addressing virtual shared environments and multi-user interactions

Link toward the numerical space (Moodle) of the module

Collective Intelligence, Interaction and AutonomousSystems (I2SA)


Pascal Ballet (In charge, UBO), Gilles Coppin, Jérémy Rivière, Aymeric Hénard.

Number of hours and ECTS

48h CM-TP. 4 ECTS.


This module is interested in the notion of autonomy, and in particular the autonomy of complex systems, composed of many interacting parts. The main algorithms for self-organisation of these systems are addressed through Multi-Agent Systems, as well as the different methods of interaction between them and a human user. These methods and algorithms are implemented in simulation platforms as well as with real swarms of robots.


Studying autonomous systems

  • Concept of autonomy, autonomous system
  • Level of autonomy of a system, Sheridan
  • Human Autonomy Teaming

Studying Multi-Agent Systems

  • MAS for simulation
  • Principles of reactive (complexity etc.) and cognitive self-organisation
  • Main self-organisation algorithms
  • Interactions with agent-based simulations
  • Considering swarms of robots
  • Autonomous robotics
  • Main self-organisation algorithms
  • Human - Robot Swarm Interaction

Link toward the numerical space (Moodle) of the module

Modelling, design and usability of interactive systems (MCSI)


Sébastien Kubicki (In charge, ENIB), Cédric Fleury, Charlotte Hoareau, Elodie Bouzekri

Number of hours and ECTS

48h CM-TP. 4 ECTS.


This course aims at introducing the general concepts related to HMI (Human Machine Interaction) and the User-Centered Design approach. It includes the human factors to be taken into account when designing HMIs, the different existing interaction techniques, as well as the analysis and evaluation of the user experience.


HMI and Ergonomics basics Human factors

  • Introduction to cognitive psychology and its contribution to UCD
  • Human cognitive architecture: limits of memory and consideration in design
  • Perception: information processing systems
  • Attentional model: taking into account the limited attention of users during design

Modelling (architectures, interaction patterns...) Interaction techniques (multimodal interactions) Ergonomics (digital / web / interaction)

  • Link between human factors and ergonomics
  • Heuristics
  • Expert evaluation
  • Experience map

Evaluation of user experience

  • Usability scales
  • User testing
  • Mock-up

Link toward the numerical space (Moodle) of the module

Interactive Machine Learning (IML)


Mihai Andries (in charge, IMT-A), Pierre de Loor (In charge, ENIB), Antoine Dizet.

Number of hours and ECTS

48h CM-TP. 4 ECTS.


Interactive Machine Learning (IML) merges machine learning and human-computer interaction. While traditional machine learning systems process the data that have been given to them in advance, this course considers that the learning process could benefit from interactions with the environment as well as with a human, and that inputs and outputs from and for humans carry meaningful information. Indeed humans may provide input to a learning algorithm, including inputs in the form of labels, demonstrations, advice, rewards or rankings. The interaction is all the more useful as the human can guide along the learning process while adapting his guidance to the outputs of the algorithm. This interaction can be in the form of feedforward or feedback information. The timing of these interactions can be preset, left to the teacher’s initiative or even to the learner’s initiative. In the latter case, the algorithm called “active learner" can decide when, about what, how and with whom to interact to optimise its learning process. Thus a bidirectional dialogue can emerge. Application will focus on interactive robot programming covering topics including sensing in real-world environments, mapping, navigation, localization, kinematics and vision. Students will program virtual and physical robots interacting with the world using modern Robot Operating System.


  • Interactive Machine learning
  • Interactive Robotic
  • Interactive Machine Learning for Robotic

Link toward the numerical space of the module

Conferences (Ouverture Scientifique)

Jérémy Rivière (in charge, UBO)

Number of hours and ECTS

10h Conferences. 2 ECTS.


This module offers a general scientific culture, through a series of research presentations and meetings with innovation professionals.

Scientific Methodology


Pierre De Loor (In charge, ENIB), Gilles Coppin.

Number of hours and ECTS

24h CM-TP. 2 ECTS.


This course focuses on methods of experimental validation of a research hypothesis, and evaluation of interactive systems


Addressing the main human-experience models

  • The currents of cognitive science (behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism, connectionism)
  • Models, tools and associated methods
  • Statistical models and behavioural approaches: statistical processing of results, hardware or software impact, surveys, making relevant curves

Link toward the numerical space (Moodle) of the module

Préparation à la Vie Professionnelle (PVP)


Mounir Lallali (In charge of the Industry part, UBO), Nicolas Vidalenc (in charge of the Communication part, UBO), Pierre-Emile Laperine (in charge of the English part, UBO).

Volume horaire et ECTS

72h CM-TD. 6 ECTS.

Semester 10



Jérémy Rivière (In charge, UBO).

Number of hours and ECTS

2 weeks. 5 ECTS.


The Project module aims at reinforcing the preparation for professional integration of the students. It consists in carrying out an IT project in connection with an academic module and one (or several) tool(s).

  • Each year, 2-3 project subjects in relation with each academic module: IML, SMA, IEVA, MCSI, RVRA. The students choose a project according to their specialization objective.
  • The project lasts 10 full days (2 weeks)
  • The projects are supervised by the teachers who submitted the subjects
  • At the end of the project, the students must provide a written report and make an oral presentation of their work.


  • Deepen technical knowledge
  • Implementing theoretical knowledge
  • Develop autonomy, teamwork
  • Increase experience in oral and written communication



Jérémy Rivière (In charge, UBO).

Number of hours and ECTS

4h TD. 5 ECTS.


This module develops the ability to carry out a state of the art or a technology watch on a scientific question or an innovation problem. It also presents the techniques for writing a scientific article according to international standards, and for presenting the work orally. The work consists in carrying out a bibliographical research with the appropriate tools, then to write a document presenting this state of the art (scientific or technological). The study must present in a synthetic and critical way the existing solutions and compare them.

Link toward the numerical space (Moodle) of the module



Pascal Ballet (In charge, UBO).


20 ECTS.


An internship within the Master topics, in France or abroad, for 5 to 6 months.